Sunday, March 21, 2010

Skankdom In Training

More proof of the end of Western Civilization as we know it
I wonder if any of the adults are in the least bit shocked at this child's t-shirt?
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~Tessa~Scoffs said...

Quel horrible.

Wildernesschic said...

Thank god I have boys!
My worst thing was when one of them would only ever wear his football kit ... everywhere !! I hated it but, let him as I know he will grow out of that, he already has except with his peers :)

Make Do Style said...

It's wrong!

something is lacking when you put a child in a t-shirt like this..

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

Oh my gosh, what a way to start my morning!!!
That is sick.
Laura Ingraham (talk show host) calls that "prostitots"
but skank in training is pretty funny...can you imagine kissing your daughter goodbye that morning "Oh honey, you look so cute today."

I saw a young girl with one that said, "Sexy is always in style" - it was sad in so many ways, #1 being she was 12, #2...she was

Where do you find this stuff?

Belle de Ville said...

Tessa, yes how low we've gone.
Wilderness, boys are so much easier and they don't have to be all tarted up.
MDS, yes something is lacking...class.
Farmgirl, Prositots! Brilliant.
This was linked by the Random Thoughts blog. But it came from the famous Fail blog which is awesome.

Chicago Chic said...

Yuck :(

The Townhouselady said...

This disgusts me to no end. Poor kid.

Anonymous said...

When some movie came out, the ushers at the theater were wearing promotional t-shirts that said, "It ain't easy out there for a pimp."

I asked one of them, who looked to be about 14, what his mother thought about the shirt. "Oh, she wants me to get one for her," he told me.

Miss Cavendish said...

Oh, that's a shame. Very disappointed to see this.

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