Thursday, September 9, 2010

Around Town - Fashion's Night Out on Rodeo Drive

Beverly Hills certainly isn't leaving all the Fashion's Night Out fun for New York
Rodeo Drive has big things planned too

The Ferris Wheel and Fashion's Night Out on Rodeo Drive September 10, 2010  

More than 60 retailers on Rodeo Drive will participate in Fashion’s Night Out on Friday, September 10, as Rodeo Drive leads the West Coast effort with glamorous in-store events, cocktail parties, DJs, complimentary manicures and extended shopping hours for all guests. As part of the global shopping event and for the first time ever, Rodeo Drive will erect a four-story Ferris wheel on the street. The conversation piece will be a replica of the George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. invention which made its debut at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893. Guests simply show a receipt confirming their purchase from a participating Rodeo Drive merchant that evening and receive a complimentary ride on this amazing wheel. Guests will also have front row seats for Fashion Rules, a unique, fast-paced trivia game pairing celebrities and designers in a life size version of a board game that challenges participants to answer fashion and style-related questions. 

I will be attending a Kevin Hall fashion show and party for Genlux magazine and some other events.
Are you doing anything for Fashion's Night Out? 
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Sharon said...

Hi there! Hope you have a fabulous time, I didn't go to the London one as it was my sons birthday and I had a surprise party for him! x

LPC said...

I dunno. Stay in and watch live streaming, or go to a fairly parochial event in SF? I've never been a socialite, and I would probably have to study the field to start now.

Belle de Ville said...

MyStyle: Sounds like fun. Wish your son a very happy birthday for me.
LPC: I'd like to stay in too but my all the events are literally all outside my office door. Besides, I would like to see the Kevin Hall clothes.
As for becoming a socialite. You are a quick study, you could pick up the socialite vibe in about 5 minutes or less.

Phuong said...

enjoy it!

Karena said...

It would be a very fun night out, if still on the west coast I would attend certainly!!

I have a New Giveaway from the French Basketeer that I think you will love!

Art by Karena

Style At Every Age said...

Cant wait to hear all about it!

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Belle, the ride looks like fun! I love anything like that and I still haven't grown out of rollercoasters.

I would have loved to have taken part in the trivia game! Thank you for all your comments on my blog. I'm a bit behind, I'm catching up now xx

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