Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer Reading - So Many Books, So Little Time

Well not really reading, I should say listening to because these are a couple of books that are on my ipod. 
The Quants was a little long and complicated and required concentration....not an easy book to listen to when treading on the treadmill at the gym.
On the other hand, Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers was an easy audio book and so very interesting.  If you haven't read it you should.

And on the topic of know that you are getting old when you get more excited about reading the Williams-Sonoma catalog than you do about reading the latest fashion magazine. 

Next on my list of fiction books are Terry Pratchett novels and I am determined to finally get through Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash.
What are all of you reading this summer.  Do you have any recommendations?
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Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

The Actor has all of Malcolm Gladwell's books. I've only read the Tipping Point so far but it was great and made a lot of sense. The Quants sounds v complicated! xx

Jill said...

I adore the WS catalog...I ripped out a recipe for something and now my feeble brain can't remember what it was.

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