Thursday, August 5, 2010

Summer Shopping Spree - Estate Emeralds and Vintage Oscar de la Renta

How amazing is it that in the Estate Jewelry world that we just bought the emerald earrings and ring that perfectly match our Fred Leighton emerald and diamond necklace aka my signature necklace from my profile picture. What were the chances that an international private client would just happen to want to sell these pieces...and we would just happen to want to buy them. 
Here we have Mademoiselle de Ville, in her gray t-shirt, modeling the suite. 
Now...I just have to put my mind to it and find some fancy schmancy black tie gala to attend where I can wear these emeralds....and my vintage Oscar de la Renta evening gown, recently purchased from Couture Allure Vintage.

Miss de Ville thinks that the gown is a little too "saloon girl", whereas I prefer to think of it as Belle Epoque.  At any rate, no one will notice the dress if I wear it with the emeralds.
Now...bring on the black tie events....I am ready and willing.
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LPC said...

Dang, woman! Cute daughter too:).

Sharon said...

Wow, well done on these purchases, the gown is just stunning indeed!!

David Toms said...

When you find the event make sure to invite me!

The emeralds are gorgeous.Very lucky indeed. I always remember a suite of (paste) emeralds my mother had. Whenever she wore the whole lot together with this very slim gold and white striped Molyneux dress I thought she was the epitome of glamour.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, no one else will make as memorable an entrance, how utterly utterly glamouorus!

Belle de Ville said...

LPC: yes, she is cute...and she loves her part time summer job at Beladora. She gets to play dress up!
Sharon: Seriously, how gorgeous is this evening gown. I had to buy it even though I didn't have an event to wear it to. But an event will come up, eventually.
David: Your mother must have been the epitome of have a son with such good taste!
Tabitha: Yes, as a totally non glamorous woman, every once in a while I like to play dress up.

The Preppy Princess said...

Those jewels with that dress will absolutely cause whiplash, people's heads will be spinning so fast to get a glance at the glamour. What a killer combo Miss Belle, such beautiful things!

Couture Allure Vintage Fashion said...

So glad you love the gown, and the emeralds are the perfect thing to set it off. Thank you!

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

I'd love to wear those emeralds! They are so fabulous they would outdo any dress. The gown is amazing, you must take some pics when you wear it xx

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