Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Already Fall

Why is it that every year when the Fall arrives I am shocked, SHOCKED.
How can the Summer be over so soon?

I know that most people love the change of seasons and look forward to that crispness in the air.
But not me.
It is dark when I wake up in the morning, overcast, gray and often damp when I drive to work, heavily air conditioned and dark in my office, and dark when I leave in the evening to drive home.
And I do hate the cold and the overcast and the damp and the dark.

But the change of seasons does make me appreciate the sweet summer vacation that I had, sitting by the pool and reading books, sipping pastis, playing scrabble, admiring the view and chatting about all things great and small in Aix en Provence.

And here are the gratuitous pretty pictures from Provence.

I'm still trying to figure out how I ended up here and not there. A decision here and a decision there and your entire life changes.

Yeah, it's going to be a long winter....

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Sharon said...

Hi there-such lovely pictures, it looks so wonderful there, lucky you! I too have mixed feelings about autumn and winter, I don't like the cold and feel so much more alive in hot, sunny weather!!

WendyB said...

It's nice to hear from a fellow summer lover. I hate fall and winter, especially in New York. And I really feel like redoing summer this year, because mine got off with a dreadful start from which it never recovered. I feel like the summer that I expected never occurred at all.

Couture Carrie said...

What a gorgeous locale, darling! I love Aix... fabulous photos!


Belle de Ville said...

I was hoping that global warming was true...of course it turned out to be complete BS.
We are in for a long cold winter.

Jill said...

Great photos! It's just as I imagined it would look!

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