Sunday, July 20, 2008

Madrid - It's All About the ME

ME Hotel Madrid

Before my trip to Spain, everyone asked if I was going to stay at the venerable Ritz Hotel. Well...uh no...I wanted to stay at the highly hip ME hotel on the Plaza Santa Ana. Complete with a Randy Gerber restaurant and bar, the highlight of the hotel was the very happening rooftop bar. The night that I arrived Spain had won the Euro Cup so there was much in the way of festivities...and I met two charming American businessmen...
Overall, I loved the hotel and excellent concierge Ruben Tomas, but was a bit disappointed in the Whiskey Bar....where I was served some seriously bad appetizers. Maybe Randy Gerber will get off his Malibu Beach ass and do something about the bar menus in his restaurants....yeah, I'm not holding my breath.
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