Monday, March 17, 2008

Wall Street Journal - Eurostar

If I can ever get out of the office and away from the computer I'd like to take a trip to Europe. Actually, to France, Germany and Spain. I've always loved travelling by train in Europe and now as the The Wall Street Journal has reported on the high speed train system, the Eurostar's new routes I'm ready to plan my trip. And here's the travelling outfit that I would wear...Ralph Lauren's trench coat from (because it always rains when I'm in Europe) and white jeans and tee shirt....soooo moi.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those trains are splendid; they are also kinder to the environment than flying, and SO much more comfortable and practical, travelling city centre to city centre. I'm looking forward to the new TGV east from Paris - now to Strasbourg, soon onto western Germany.

I guess you would find western Europe rainy (though parts of Spain and Italy have a climate more like yours).

Don't miss the Man in Seat Sixty-One (not a Graham Greene novel; a great site on using trains:

bonne route!

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