Monday, March 3, 2008

Wall Street Journal Weekend Journal

I've been reading the Wall Street Journal for decades. Unlike with the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times and other papers, I never get bored with the reporting or enraged with the editorials. I am particularly fond of the Weekend Journal which covers a variety of stories.

In this past Weekend Journal there was a beautiful tribute to WFB by Peggy Noonan, an article by Jane Garmey on Harold Peto, the great English Edwardian Landscape Architect, a guide to viewing wildflowers in Southwestern Deserts by Stan Stasser, a list of favorite books about composers by James Penrose, a recipe for Beef and Beer Stew by chef Sanford D'amato, an article about cone roofed Trulli stone houses in Puglia Italy by Rosemaria Mancini, and so much more worth reading.

Now...go read!
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