Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall Fashion Favorite

You've all seen the Fall fashion trends by now
winter white,
patterned suits,
tapestry-needlepoint fabrics
and baroque detailing.
Some wearable
Winter White by Valentino

Some, not so wearable
Patterned Suit by Miu-Miu

What I've found to be the most striking out of all of the Fall Fashion trends on the runway,
were the Dr. Seuss style mink hats worn in the Marc Jacobs collection.

I loved them.
Were they wearable? Not so much.
So, I've found my wearable (and affordable) alternative at Couture Allure Vintage

Most of the what I saw in the Fall Collections I found to be totally over the top and unwearable, not to mention inappropriate.
(When the economy is tanked, is multicolored head to toe fur really appropriate?)
But I still think that we can add a little whimsy to our wardrobes with a funky brooch or two 
or a fun hat.
What do you think?
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Sharon said...

Hi my dear! Love these 2 you've featured, they look so stylish and timeless and perfect colours for the coming season x

teawithonesugarplease said...

Get a hat to get ahead is what I say. Think Marc Jacob has done the big hat look before a few years ago (or more) to distract from a Meh collection. Ho hum but loved your vintage hat pick.

kole said...

Those hats are far too over the top for myself, but I can see the appeal.

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