Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor RIP

They don't make movie stars like this anymore.

Wendy B gave us a great post today this very appropriate quote by Elizabeth Taylor today.
“I’ve never thought of my jewelry as trophies. I’m here to take care of it and to love it, for we are only temporary custodians of beauty.”


Christina also had an amazing post with stunning photos of the last of the Hollywood Icons.
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Susan B said...

She was one of the great ones. RIP, Liz.

Dash said...

I agree Belle and I also agree with the comment you left over at mine, she defined beauty. I know Bacall, Bardot and Loren are all still alive but it feels like the end of an era with Taylors passing.

Anonymous said...

I heard it on the car radio and burst into tears. She has run through my life; when i was young I would watch her films with my mum, when I was 19 and overweight people said I looked like her and now I have two framed photographs of her in my study. She was a real trooper.

Angela said...

She was indeed beautiful and talented. May she rest in peace.

David Toms said...

She certainly had style and savoir faire!

WendyB said...

Thanks for the shout-out!

Sharon said...

Hi there-a very sad loss, she was a stunning lady indeed xx

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