Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sophia Lauren - She's Too Sexy For Her Skirt

I love the fact that Sophia Lauren is still showing the goods at age 75...and god knows that I only wish that I could look that good at her age. But I'm not so sure about how I feel about her wearing a thigh high skirt
or getting a little to close to showing her ladyparts
in a Sharon Stone "Basic Instinct" style leg crossing.

What do you think?
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Splenderosa said...

Ridiculous. Maybe she didn't have a mirror?

Sharon said...

Hi there-well it can't be denied she still has 'it'!!

Wildernesschic said...

I think she looks amazing but, I think she would look ten times better and sexier if she dropped the hem length

M said...

There should be a disclaimer...."If you're not Sophia Loren, do not try this at home".

Couture Carrie said...

I say flaunt it if you've got it!


Michael St. James said...

Yea...that skirt is definitely too short for a woman her age!

mette said...

S.L. has gorgeous legs! If not knowing her age, I would have never guessed. Too bad the second picture reveals a bit too much.

Tish Jett said...

Let's see, how shall I put this. . . I think she needs some tough love. It has nothing to do with "can" you do it, it's all about "should" you do it and I think she should know better.

Ummm, did anyone say tacky(?), bad taste(?), embarrassing(?) So silly. As we all know looking great at her age -- and p.s. she is supposed to be addicted to plastic surgery -- or any age, opens up lots of dressing possibilities. These are just not on the list.

Now, if you want to know what I really think, just let me know.

All the best,

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

Not to put anyone in a box...
but just like really long hair after a certain age...I really don't need to see your kneecaps if you are over 60.
We would still think she had "it" had she worn a longer skirt.
The clothes may make the man but
The skirt does not make the "it"

the Preppy Princess said...

This is one look she just needed to avoid, especially considering how fabulous she looks.. why diminish or distract (detract) from that beauty?

Grins & Giggles Miss BHB!

ElodieVeryPetit said...

75 ! gosh she looks great ! she looked amazing in Nine tho the film was shit, beautiful woman, wish i could grow old like her !

Miss Cavendish said...

Actually I see nothing amiss with La Loren's leggy look while she's standing; it's the sitting in a squishy cushiony chair that puts her in an awkward position.

WendyB said...

I agree with Miss Cavendish.

Jill said...

black tights would have been much better...although I would be thrilled to age as well as she.

Belle de Ville said...

Jill, we should all age as well as "La Loren".

Anonymous said...

Sorry haters, but she looks hot. Most of the women here are happy playing it safe with their frumpy suburban style.

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