Saturday, October 10, 2009

Around Town - There Will Be Beer

Well sorta
Yep, it's Fall and for Miss de Ville that means Oktoberfest
and an opportunity to wear her authentic trachen
showing off her Swiss German and Austrian heritage

So guess who got dragged into going to the Los Angeles Oktoberfest
moi...and I don't even like beer

I think Miss de Ville thought that she was going to run into some guys dressed like this

but she didn't
in fact the Oktoberfest was so lame that as soon as we walked in...we walked out
But to save the day she googled from her phone local German restaurants
and came up with a little Swiss place called the Chalet Edelweiss

and she finally got her beer and brats
Digg this


Miss Cavendish said...

What a lovely ensemble on a beautiful daughter! And while I like beer, I avoid brats--both the edible and the human kinds. Did you wear your dirndl?

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

So cute! Looks like fun!

Thanks for your comment! Bon Weekend!

Belle de Ville said...

Miss C: no dirndl for me...all that Swissy-Austrian stuff is on her father's side. My side is all mutt.
Farmgirl: cute she was..bon weekend!

The Townhouselady said...

Love it! Your daughter is such a beauty.

Belle de Ville said...

TL: after years of seeing my daughter being emo-goth-punkish with red/blue/pink hair and such, I'm happy to see her embrace her inner Swiss milk-maid girl and deal with the fact that she is a natural blond!

Sharon said...

Hi there-your daughter looks really lovely and it looks like a lot of fun was had too!! Have a great Sunday my dear!

Jill said...

She's beautiful. I get the whole expressing yourself with fashion...but the emo/goth look takes away from a girl's beauty. I'm glad she's moved on.

Oktoberfest on the Border is a truly hilarious experience!

Couture Carrie said...

Yay for Oktoberfest!
Looooove the costume!


Anonymous said...

She's beautiful! Hard to imagine Pink/blue etc hair LOL!

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