Sunday, September 13, 2009

Film, France, Friends and Food

I finally got around to seeing Julie & Julia, a charming film,
and it made me wistful for France
OK maybe not the real France of strikes, traffic jams and car-b-cues
but certainly my fantasy of France
which is all about L'Art de Vivre
fine cuisine, elegant decor, chic fashion, intelligent conversation, fun people
and a strong dollar
you know what I mean
the France of post war Paris where Julia Child lived and learned
like I's a fantasy
Fortunately, on my vacation last month, my fantasy became my reality
with fun people, intelligent conversation, chic fashion, elegant decor
and of course fine cuisine
so here comes the food porn

Let's just start with my stop over at Charles de Gaulle airport where I ignored the Hermes scarves and the Dior perfume and went straight for the food.
The choices were just astounding
how could I not linger over the Ladurée counter with luscious treats in pretty pastels
And jarred yumminess of foie gras

and vin et fromage

Certainly a large part of the pleasure of L'Art de Vivre is L'Art de la Table
where the table setting and presentation is as important as the food being served
White linens, good stemware and Christofle silver add so much to the ambiance

Even this simple lunch of mélon et jambon, at the antique filled apartment of my dear friend Patrick, a retired business consultant and chef extraordinaire, was made sumptuous by virtue of his beautiful table.
Perhaps it it time for me to consider dusting off my old tattered copy of Mastering The Art of French Cooking, pressing some napkins, polishing some silver and getting to the task of entertaining a few friends in my petit pied-à-terre.
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Anonymous said...

If you're cooking, invite me ;)

Oh the indulgence! I, of course, blew up each picture to read the labels.

Beth Gales said...

Love the table pretty!

Belle de Ville said...

There's nothing like delicious food being served at a beautiful table.
A decade ago when I lived in Paris, I actually ate at table set like that on an almost daily basis, food, bread and wine everynight and didn't gain a pound...astounding non?

photoman said...

Yes, Patrick is a fabulous cook. I loved his lapin back when you lived in the 8th. Maman

Couture Allure Vintage Fashion said...

I loved the film "Julie and Julia". Your photos of elegant table settings have made me rethink sitting in front of the television for dinner.

Arushi Khosla said...

I'm coming over.

Sharon said...

Hi there-yummy, what a lovely post, the Laduree macarons look gorgeous!!

Jill said...

Looks ravishing!

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