Thursday, March 19, 2009

For The Boys - Dressed Up Denim NY and Paris Style

New York
On their way to the Ralph Lauren Show...
as if you couldn't have guessed
Cocktails at the Hunt Club later perhaps?

Paris - city casual chic
Great mix of dressy coat and shoes with denim shirt

"Shopping in your closet" or finding a new way to put together a look with what you already have at home has pretty much been the theme of how to dress in this year's recession.
Obviously, this way of dressing isn't just for women only.
From The Sartorialist here's two city looks for men in denim
and the Sart's comments on the second look
I love when you see something and think, "wait, I have those items...why didn't I think of putting them together like that?"
If "street-style" blogs are useful right now, in this difficult economic time, then it is because they highlight simple little styling tricks that can inspire us to see the wardrobe we already own in a new way.
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Anonymous said...

Take me home, boys!

Belle de Ville said...

Karen...these men are something, aren't they!

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