Friday, April 4, 2008

Links from London

Links from London

Mrs Robinson brings our attention to a new economic crisis.

Here's a quote.

As Ms Robinson writes, yet more mistresses are being dumped outside stock exchanges all over the world. Friends report a fire sale on the steps of the ASX in Sydney with some good bargains to be had in relatively new stock. Here in London, they are to be found wandering in the vicinity of the Bank of England, dazed and confused wearing little more than scraps of La Perla and Jimmy Choos. Having been unceremoniously evicted from luxury flats in Chelsea, Knightsbridge and South Kensington many had left carrying what they could in their YSL Muse bags. Reports suggest that they are trying to organise themselves into a group and perhaps instigate a (high) class action for wrongful dismissal.

Linda Grant comments on French women, and why they look so different than British women.
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