Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Orwellian Online Indoctrination

I was just thinking about writing a post about multiplayer online games and the educational and social qualities of them. Unfortunately, just today I was reminded by the Times Online that they aren't all benign.

The Miss Bimbo site was set up by Nicholas Jacquart, a French entrepreneur. He moved to Tooting, South London, recently and with a 30-year-old businessman called Chris Evans set up Ouza Ltd to promote the website in Britain.
Just more of the non stop early sexualization of girls....apparently these days you can't start too early.

As with all online games
Users are set targets:
Level 7 After you broke up with your boyfriend you went on an eating binge! Now it’s time to diet . . . Your target weight is less than 132lbs
Level 9 Have a nip and tuck operation for a brand new face. You’ve found work as a plus-size model. To gain those vivacious curves, you need to weigh more than 154lbs
Level 10 Summertime is coming up and bikini weather is upon us. You want to turn heads on the beach don’t you?
Level 11 Bigger is better! Have a breast operation
Level 17 There is a billionaire on vacation . . . You must catch his eye and his love! Good luck

With the Fashion Industry promoting anorexia, the Music Industry promoting girls as Ho's and the Gaming Industry promoting bimbo-hood, is there anywhere in our culture that sends a positive message to young girls?
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1 comment:

Susan B said...

God, that's beyond appalling.

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